Apartment Homes



Pet Policy


  • No Cats

  • No Dogs

Household monthly income must be 3x rent (gross)

Verifiable, Satisfactory Rental Reference

  • No money owed to current landlord, no damage

  • No evictions

  • Lease obligations have been fulfilled

  • No past due charges from utility companies

Criminal Report

  • No Felonies under five years old and any older

          felonies will be considered on a case-by-case basis

  • Misdemeanor charges will be considered on a case-by-case basis



Valid North Carolina Drivers License or Picture ID

Social Security cards of all household members



 Co-Signers MUST live in Guilford County AND their income must be six (6) times the amount of the rent

Financial Aid and/or income from education that is not guaranteed, will not be accepted


If you are self-employed, or salary cannot be verified, we must receive one of the following:

  • Copy of the most current signed tax return and W-2, 1099, Schedule C or F

If you receive the following you must show proof:

  • Child Support
  • Proof of AFDC
  • Proof of Social Security or SSI Benefits
  • Other (unemployment benefits, pension, military pension etc...)


A final decision will be made based on all of the collected information

Once approved Security Deposit and required rent must be paid to move in